Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 25: The Moment We Have Been Waiting For

We began our day in Old Jaffa. After touring the cities pristine architecture, we spent free time in the flea market, bargaining with the shop owners for jewelry, clothing, and Israeli souvenirs. Walking the crowded streets, we had an experience unlike any American practice. We had lunch and then boarded the bus to Ashkelon (yay)! Entering the city for the first time as a partnership, we were filled with excitement and anticipation for the week as we took a photo by the Ashkelon entrance sign. Our first stop was the volunteer center where we spent our mitzvah day packing snack bags for underprivileged families. Working together, we were able to complete the project in twenty minutes rather than the allotted two hour time slot. Waiting for dinner, we went outside and played group games. The environment was full of laughter and smiles. After our pizza dinner, we went to a soup kitchen and packed bags of vegetables to be later distributed to families in need. We met a lot of new people who greatly appreciated our help and hard work. Finally, we returned to the volunteer center where our host families were waiting for us. It was a long day full of energy and enthusiasm and ended with the moment we've been waiting four months for!

Sara and Seth 

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