Monday, July 29, 2013

Sunday Funday in Ashkelon!!!

Sunday July 28, 2013
Blog written by: Danny Offermann

Our Sunday morning began with a group discussion on the immigration to Israel and the United State's involvement with the major Ethiopian migration. We were at Beit Canada, a special center for Ethiopian immigrants to assimilate into Israel. After being seperated into groups we were each matched with children for fun activities. My group made oragami swans and boats! The children only spoke Hebrew which at first made it difficult to bond with them, but after I made my swan a cow-swan and my boat into a rocketship we started to bond more. 

We then went outside and ran around with the kids, playing tag and soccer, carrying them on our backs and enjoying the summer day. It was hard to say goodbye to them because they were so adorable! We then heard from one of the employees at Beit Canada about all of the great things that the center does.

After lunch we went back to the community center amd had a discussion about immigration to Israel and our thoughts on the matter. Finally after a long week of thought provoking activities we were given a bit of a break and spent the afternoon at the mall! It was very cool to see how their mall differed from the ones we have back home and we all had a great time walking around shopping. For a bit of fun I walked around to each shoe store with Gilad and had him ask if they had my size, 49.5 cm (or 15 if you prefer american sizes) and watched with glee as the employee's eyes would widen in wonder and jump over the counter to see if it was true.
We then went home for a bit and got ready for the International Dinner. Each member in our group brought a dish represantative of their own culture for all other to try. Needless to say it was delicious and I had no choice but to use two plates. We then watched two wonderful dance preformances, one two elegant ballerinas and the other a more so "edgy" hip-hop group. It was a great way to end a wonderful day in our sister city.

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