Sunday, July 10, 2011

We are at the airport!!!

Were actually at the airport! Its seemed like this day would never
come, but here we are sitting at our gate with only a few minutes left
until boarding. The general consensus is that it's just weird that
were actually going. Hanging out in the terminal, playing board games
and making last minute phone calls, it's hard to believe that in just
a few minutes we'll be stuck on the plane for almost twelve hours. As
we turn off Blackberrys and iPHONES the reality that our trip has
arrived is truly unbelievable. After countless months of waiting and
counting down, the day has finally arrived on which we begin what is
anticipated to be one of the best summers of our lives. Hopefully
we'll be able get some sleep before we touch down and start our first
full day in Israel. Right now it's just a lot of sitting, but we can't
wait to get a move on. The next time we talk to you we'll actually be
in the "holy land"! Wish us a safe flight!

-Alex, Justin and Diller 2011!

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